October 13, 2009

Dashed Dreams

Mr. Starlet and I have almost always found the "City of Pleasant Living" to live up to its name, save for some unique culinary preferences that have on at least one occasion forced us to prematurely flee a restaurant. (Trust me, it was necessary in a "Stand By Me" pie-eating contest kind of way.)

While we've developed quite an affinity for homemade sweet potato fries, hush puppies, cornbread, and Paula Deen, there are some local delicacies that you'll never see in the Starlet Kitchen. Food items containing the name of a major organ, the word "fat," or listsing its main ingredients as carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, and citric acid are considered the eighth, ninth, and tenth deadly sins.

Similarly, I think "Smoked Salmon and Chives Cheesecake," sounds completely unpalatable. Still, I would have enjoyed seeing it prepared. I might have even braved sampling a slice if offered. And I would have if "teachmgood" hadn't also entered a contest giving away two tickets to this year's Taste of Home Cooking School.
Less than 25 people entered to win by leaving a comment on The Star's website.
My own comment was short, honest, and a bit neurotic. In other words, it was a perfect self-reflection.

Less than two hours later, "teachmgood," posted a lengthy, albeit humorous description of how her 10-year old daughter's cooking skills dwarf her own. Immediately I knew had no chance of winning the tickets.

And I didn't. And I didn't attend the Taste of Home Cooking School. Again.

While I sincerely hope "teachmgood" is not an English teacher, I do hope that she gained some practical tips that will elevate her skills to a level of which her daughter can be proud, as much as a pre-teen can be proud of her mom without risking mass social embarassment.

Which isn't much, as I shamefully recall.

Especially when reindeer antlers are involved.

On your high school campus.

So, "teachmgood" and daughter, cook on. I cannot pretend to be affronted by a decision I wholeheartedly agree with.

Put out, maybe. Dejected, certainly. But affronted? No. Not really.

OK, maybe a little. But it's not as if I'd wish you curdles in your cheesecake, bones in your salmon puree, or lumps in your crust. Or anything like that, you know.
But if it happened...

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